Mail Information for Users on Fastmail

The conversion to Fastmail has disabled your old mailĀ  – let’s get you back up and running as fast as we can!   How to set up your device or client for fastmail If you have not received information from CompanyV regarding your fastmail account please...

Cox cable settings for outgoing mail.

WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH COX EMAIL SERVICES Due to infected machines on cable DSL provided networks we are blocking many IP address ranges. There are IP ranges that are published by COX Cable that we are not blocking. We are ONLY providing this information to assist...

What’s up with .dat

We get lots of calls from email clients who can not open attachments sent to them usually it is a .dat file When someone sends an attachment using “Rich Text” formatting in Microsoft Outlook the inserted attachments become .dat file which can only be...

Ping and traceroute

PING: In Windows, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. Or type cmd in the little search programs and files box above the start menu This will give you a window like the one below. type: ping * and hit enter. (replace...

Troubleshooting connections: What is my IP

Type the following in google search: what is my ip About IP addresses Just like a street address determines the recipient of a letter, an IP address (short for Internet Protocol address) is used to identify computers on the Internet. When your computer sends a...